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Overcoming Trauma-induced Lymphedema Challenges: Mrs. O's Tranformation with SoftWave Therapy!

Published July 11th, 2023 by Dr. Sam Camarata

At Camarata Chiropractic & Wellness, we have had the privilege of helping patients overcome various health conditions using SoftWave Therapy. One such success story is that of Mrs. O, who has been battling lymphedema in her left foot. Mrs. O has seen limited results in alleviating her symptoms with other therapies and traditional medical treatments. Mrs. O is also a patient at the Cleveland Clinic where she was diagnosed with her specific type of lymphedema. 

According to the Cleveland Clinic, Lymphedema can be caused by a range of factors, including trauma, surgery, radiation therapy, infections, and more. In Mrs. O's case, her foot x-rays revealed a past trauma as the underlying cause of her lymphedema. 

Frustrated with the lack of improvement, Mrs. O's husband, a chiropractic patient of Dr. Sam Camarata, inquired about SoftWave Therapy after seeing a signage for it at our office.

Dr. Sam explained the technology and its potential benefits, including the fact that the Cleveland Clinic utilizes the same SoftWave Therapy device for numerous health conditions. Intrigued by the possibility of finding relief, Mrs. O decided to schedule a consultation and evaluation at our office.

During her evaluation, Dr. Sam assessed Mrs. O's foot and recommended starting SoftWave Therapy. Both Mrs. O and Dr. Sam were thrilled to observe positive changes within just a few sessions. The lymphatic flow improved, resulting in a visible reduction in swelling in her foot and ankle.

Encouraged by these promising outcomes, Mrs. O and Dr. Sam decided to continue with SoftWave Therapy. 

At her fifth session, Mrs. O shared exciting news with Dr. Sam: she had measured her swelling using the measuring tape provided by the Cleveland Clinic and discovered a significant decrease of 2.5 cm in the largest swelling site since starting SoftWave Therapy! 

This remarkable progress gave us renewed hope and reaffirmed the potential of SoftWave Therapy in managing lymphedema.

Dr. Sam closely monitors Mrs. O's progress, capturing before and after pictures at each session. We are all eagerly anticipating further positive changes as Mrs. O continues her SoftWave Therapy journey. Her inspiring story serves as a testament to the power of this innovative technology in helping individuals overcome lymphedema and reclaim their quality of life.

If you or someone you know is struggling with lymphedema or other chronic conditions, we encourage you to explore SoftWave Therapy as a potential solution. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Sam Camarata at Camarata Chiropractic & Wellness and discover the transformative benefits of SoftWave Therapy. 

Schedule ONLINE here or give us a call 585-617-4145! 

We are located at 3237 Union St North Chili NY 14514. If you live in and around the Rochester, NY area give us a call we would love to help you improve your quality of life through this new powerful and futuristic technology, SoftWave Tissue Regeneration Therapy! 

Please note that the information provided in this success story is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Consult with a healthcare professional to determine the best treatment approach for your specific condition.

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