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Welcome to Your SoftWave Therapy Journey: What to Expect

Published November 24th, 2023 by Dr. Sam Camarata

Hello and welcome to SoftWave Therapy at Camarata Chiropractic & Wellness here in Rochester, NY, where your journey to a pain-free, healthier you begins with our new healing technology! 

We're so excited to have you here, and we want to walk you through what you can expect during your first SoftWave Therapy visit.

1. Meet and Greet: 

Your visit starts with a warm welcome from our team. We're here to make your experience as comfortable and stress-free as possible.

2. Chief Complaint and Health History: 

To understand your unique needs, we'll discuss your chief complaint – the specific area or issue you're seeking help with. We'll also go over your current and prior health history to get a comprehensive picture of your health.

3. Education about SoftWave Therapy: 

Next, we'll provide you with essential information about SoftWave Tissue Regeneration Therapy. We want you to have a clear understanding of the cutting-edge technology that can help improve your life.

4. Intro to SoftWave Therapy - Discovery Day Mapping Session: 

This session is crucial. Using SoftWave Therapy, we'll map the area of your chief complaint. Dr. Sam Camarata and his team will expect to find signs of inflammation, scar tissue, arthritis, issues with blood flow and circulation, tendinitis, bursitis, and more – depending on your specific problem area. These findings will provide a positive biofeedback component in and around the problem area(s). If we get a positive biofeedback response, it indicates that you are a candidate for SoftWave Therapy.

5. First SoftWave Session Delivered: 

If you are identified as a candidate, we will proceed with your first SoftWave Therapy session. Following this session, we can expect the following almost immediately:

  • Decrease in Pain and Inflammation: Many patients experience a significant reduction in pain and inflammation. For instance, if your pain level was 7/10, you may find it reduced to just 2/10! 
  • Improved Circulation and Mobility: SoftWave Therapy can help improve circulation and increase mobility. This means we expect you to able to move better, whether it's bending your knee, moving your shoulder, walking more comfortably, or other improvements!
  • Initiation of Healing, Repair & Regeneration: SoftWave Therapy activates, mobilizes, and migrates stem cells to the treated area(s). This process kickstarts joint, tissue, and cellular healing, repair, and regeneration! Stem cell activation is one of the biggest key components to why SoftWave Therapy stands out as one of the biggest breakthroughs in the field of regenerative medicine!

After your Discovery Day and first SoftWave session, if you are indeed a candidate for SoftWave Therapy, we will schedule your next session, usually within a week. This second visit marks the beginning of your SoftWave care plan, which typically consists of 6-8 sessions scheduled weekly over 6-8 weeks. Your specific care plan is tailored based on the severity and frequency of your chief complaint, your health history, your goals, and expectations.

The Power of SoftWave Tissue Regeneration Technology: 

SoftWave Therapy is a game-changing technology, offering conservative care for joint, tissue, and cellular healing, repair, and regeneration. It does so without relying on medications, injections, or surgery. Dr. Sam Camarata has been in private practice for over eight years, and he's never witnessed a technology deliver life-changing results like SoftWave Therapy.

Continued Healing and Recovery: 

SoftWave Therapy doesn't just stop working after your care plan. The heightened stem cell activity it triggers continues for up to 12 weeks post-therapy, providing a foundation for ongoing healing, repair, and regeneration. Dr Sam and his team have patients reporting back to them weeks and months later that the results are ongoing and lasting. 

Your SoftWave Journey: 

We're excited to embark on this journey with you! SoftWave Therapy has helped countless patients at Camarata Chiropractic & Wellness experience lasting pain relief and regain their quality of life. We've seen patients reduce or eliminate the need for pain medication, nerve medication, muscle relaxers, breaking the cycle of repeat corticosteroid injections, avoid invasive surgeries such as: knee replacements, meniscus tears, carpal tunnel surgeries, shoulder replacements and rotator cuff tears, hip replacements and labrum tears, plantar fasciitis, foot and achilles, spine surgeries, disc herniation surgeries & more, ultimately finding lasting pain relief from various conditions.

Dr. Sam and our team look forward to helping you feel better, function better, and heal one SoftWave at a time!

 If you have any questions about your first SoftWave Therapy visit, please don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to support you on your path to a healthier, pain-free life!

Give us a call! 585-617-4145

Email us here: 

Camarata Chiropractic & Wellness

3237 Union St North Chili NY 14514

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