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Beyond the Needle: Understanding Why Cortisone Injections Fail to Heal

Published October 9th, 2023 by Dr. Sam Camarata

Cortisone injections have become a common go-to solution for individuals grappling with various types of pain, such as joint inflammation, tendonitis, and bursitis. They offer the promise of swift relief from discomfort, and for many, they provide a temporary reprieve from their symptoms. However, it's essential to dig deeper and understand why cortisone injections often fall short when it comes to truly healing the underlying causes of pain.

Temporary Relief vs. Healing

Cortisone injections, also known as corticosteroid injections, are designed to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation by suppressing the immune system's inflammatory response. While they can indeed provide rapid and significant relief, it's vital to recognize that this relief is typically temporary. Cortisone acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, effectively quelling the fire of inflammation in the targeted area. However, this is where the problem lies: it doesn't extinguish the source of the inflammation or address the root cause of the pain.

1. Masking Pain

Cortisone injections can be likened to a pain mask. They offer immediate relief by silencing pain signals. This suppression creates the illusion that the issue has been resolved. However, in reality, the pain has only been temporarily muted, and once the effects of cortisone wear off, it often returns. This can lead to a cycle of repeated injections to maintain the perceived relief, potentially masking an underlying issue that continues to worsen.

2. Short-Lived Relief

The duration of pain relief provided by cortisone injections varies from person to person. Some may experience weeks or even months of relief, while others may find it only lasts for a short period. The temporary nature of cortisone's effects means that patients may require frequent injections, which can lead to diminishing returns over time. This cycle can pose risks associated with long-term cortisone use.

3. No Healing or Regeneration

Perhaps one of the most significant limitations of cortisone injections is that they do not facilitate healing or tissue regeneration. They focus solely on suppressing inflammation and mitigating pain. This means that if there are underlying structural issues, such as damaged cartilage, tendons, or ligaments, cortisone injections will not repair or regenerate these tissues. Consequently, the root cause of the pain remains unaddressed.

The Downside of Relying on Cortisone

While cortisone injections may have their place in pain management, they should not be seen as a one-size-fits-all solution. Relying solely on cortisone treatments can have downsides:

1. Risk of Complications

Repeated cortisone injections can lead to complications, such as tissue thinning or weakening at the injection site. This can make the area more susceptible to injury.

2. Delaying Proper Diagnosis

Temporary relief from cortisone injections can mask the symptoms of an underlying condition. This delay in diagnosis and treatment may allow the condition to progress, potentially making it more challenging to manage in the long run.

Looking Beyond Cortisone

A Better Alternative: SoftWave Therapy

For those who seek not just temporary relief but also lasting healing, alternatives like SoftWave Therapy offer a more comprehensive solution. SoftWave Therapy harnesses advanced acoustic wave technology to stimulate the body's natural healing processes.

Key Distinctions of SoftWave Therapy:

Promotes Healing 

Unlike cortisone injections, SoftWave Therapy promotes genuine healing and tissue regeneration. It achieves this by activating resident stem cells and enhancing blood flow to the affected area. This leads to long-term pain relief and improved function.


SoftWave Therapy is entirely non-invasive, meaning there are no needles or incisions required. Patients can sidestep the potential complications and risks associated with invasive procedures.

Minimal Side Effects

SoftWave Therapy typically entails none or minimal side effects, and there is no recovery downtime, enabling patients to return to their daily routines swiftly.

While cortisone injections may offer temporary respite from pain, it's essential to recognize their limitations in addressing the underlying causes of that pain. For individuals who are searching for an effective and lasting solution, SoftWave Therapy stands as a non-invasive alternative that genuinely supports healing and regeneration. Rather than settling for temporary relief, consider exploring options that can address the root causes of your pain and offer the possibility of a pain-free future.

Dr Sam Camarata, owner of Camarata Chiropractic & Wellness and lead pioneer of SoftWave Tissue Regeneration Therapy in the North Chili and Rochester NY area is excited to bring you the newest, latest and greatest revolutionary technology for fast acting conservative and natural pain relief and tissue regeneration! 

"Come experience true healing and get out of pain today!"

Give us a call! 585-617-4145

Read some of our patient reviews here!

Camarata Chiropractic & Wellness

3237 Union St North Chili NY 14514

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